Bring the Party to Life with Reyna's All Natural Mixers!

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The Perfect Blend of Flavor and Spice: Just Add Beer

100% All Natural – Made From Scratch – Gluten Free – Vegan
Reyna’s is bringing the party to life with this authentic premium flavorful Michelada Mix. This is a high-quality tomato-based blend of all natural ingredients that create the best tasting Michelada. Take all the work out of mixing different ingredients with this premade mix by just adding your favorite light beer. The Michelada is also known as the Mexican Bloody Mary.

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Cheers to success!


Aurora International Foods is proudly woman-owned. Founded by Reyna Masko, who is committed to cultivating the ties between the communities where Aurora products are sold, and Hispanic culture.


Reyna’s intense drive has recently landed Aurora International Foods a $20,000 grant from the Start Garden’s 100 Ideas Competition


Aurora International Foods received a $10,000 grant from the Michigan Hispanic Chamber of Commerce as part of its Elevate Together initiative, which supports the success of Hispanic small businesses.

Cheers to success!